That could be true of any part of your life. The truth is that compliance with motor vehicle laws and controlling your urge to speed can help you avoid violations that can, in fact, impact your life insurance rates.

But generally speaking, from a life insurance standpoint, compliance and control are referring to your management of a health issue. Whether it is high blood pressure, type 1 diabetes, type 2 diabetes, or bipolar disorder, compliance with treatment (taking medication just as prescribed and not just when you feel like it), and having the health issue controlled so that you are managing it and not the reverse, are the two primary ingredients needed for affordable life insurance.

In relation to type 1 diabetes, there are times when even the best effort can’t bring the two ingredients together. Take for instance the issue of brittle diabetes. With most diabetes compliance brings control. In other words, if you take the medication as prescribed, avoid eating the wrong things at the wrong times, and take monitoring seriously, you can expect that your glucose levels will remain in acceptable ranges and the diabetes, while still a piece of work, will not lead to other complications.

With brittle diabetes the rules don’t seem to apply. You can do all the right things all of the time and glucose levels can still swing wildly, basically out of any real control. From a life insurance standpoint this presents a real problem since lack of control will ultimately lead to collateral health complications and the assumption of shorter mortality by insurance underwriters is not just a wild guess.

Bottom line. There are instances when the prudent decision by a life insurance underwriter is to decline coverage. There are instances when even the best independent agent can’t get offers for clients. Fortunately those instances are rare.